Marketing optimization

Dave Chaffey at one of our events
The opportunity to continually test and refine digital marketing is often cited as one of the main advantages of “new media” over “traditional media”. The conversation amongst digital marketing thought-leaders is generally sophisticated on this subject, advocating advanced tactics. Terms such as “Agility”, “A/B testing” and “social media optimisation” are...
Leakage rates in banking scenarios – McKinsey via Twitter
A leaky bucket is not just a computer algorithm or a bucket with holes in it. The concept of leaky buckets is also known in customer experience management, business process optimization and conversion optimization. Leaky - or leaking - buckets in the latter sense are simply about where we...
Optimized content buckets via Search Engine Watch
What is easier? Optimizing customer experiences and conversion rates or increasing reach and awareness? What is more effective? Conversion and content optimization or driving traffic? Truth is the mix often is entirely wrong and too much focus is on reach and traffic. Because all it takes is money. A...