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Optimized content buckets via Search Engine Watch

Customer experience and digital content optimization lessons

What is easier? Optimizing customer experiences and conversion rates or increasing reach and awareness? What is more effective? Conversion and content optimization or driving traffic? Truth is the mix often is entirely wrong and...
How UK organizations tailor their marketing content –source

Your tailor is rich: tailored marketing content for rich results

According to the Content Marketing Institute report about the usage of content marketing in the UK, 96% of UK B2B marketers tailor their marketing content. 88% of B2C respondents does the same. That looks...
The Scribe dashboard shows you how many evaluations you have left

Content marketing software: Scribe for content optimization

A review of content marketing software Scribe (last update: April 19, 2013) In our series of content marketing software reviews we take a look at Scribe. This review is neutral as usual. We also never...