Banking, insurance, finance

Articles on the financial services industry: business banking, consumer/retail banking, insurance, fintech and more. Finance in (digital) transformation.

Insurance risk
Insurance companies struggle with the rapid pace of change within an increasingly demanding and digital market and customer context. Digital technologies and innovations, the increasing digital communications behavior of consumers, feedback and comparison websites, the list goes on. Although the impact of such changes is big and leading to digital...
Leakage rates in banking scenarios – McKinsey via Twitter
A leaky bucket is not just a computer algorithm or a bucket with holes in it. The concept of leaky buckets is also known in customer experience management, business process optimization and conversion optimization. Leaky - or leaking - buckets in the latter sense are simply about where we...
Insurance claim concept
The claims process is a key part of the relational and customer experience of Property & Casualty insurance company customers. Yet, at the same time excellent service, follow-up and customer satisfaction regarding the claims process are not enough. Approximately 29% of respondents say they post or plan to post on...