Email marketing

People increasingly open their emails on mobile devices. MarketingCharts mentions research from Knotice, showing that in the first 6 months of this year the share of mobile email opens has risen to 36% in the US. Mobile email opens are opened emails on tablets and mobile phones. To prepare...
MarketingSherpa recently published a chart, identifying the main list building tactics B2B marketers use. In its B2B marketing benchmark 2011, the company found email is the third most important lead generation channel for B2B marketers. A closer look at effective B2B email list building tactics that work according to...
Good news for email marketers: according to research from the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), the typical email engagement rates are going up. US open rates of house lists rose 2.6% over 2010, and click-through rates grew with 1.1% in the same period. Personalization seems to play an important role...