Digital marketing

The roadmap to revenue
Revenue Coach Kristin Zhivago, wrote a new book, called “Roadmap to Revenue: How to Sell the Way Your Customers Want to Buy”. She sent me a review copy and when starting to read it, I immediately realized that she is spot-on with her book that spares us from fancy...
The link between CRM and digital interactions, touchpoints and campaigns, has never been clearer before than today. A customer-centric business has to interact with prospects in a multi-channel way with CRM processes as to gain insights, drive new actions and most of all putting the connected customer at the...
Lorie Weiman wrote a nice post recently for Search Engine Land where she offers some tips on using search engine marketing for branding. As she points out in her post, branding is not something you think of when you consider search. Mostly it’s used to drive traffic and conversion. However,...