Contact center

The opening keynote in the Customer Service Excellence Arena at London's 2014 Customer Contact Expo was titled" SuperAgent 2020: The future of the contact centre". It was presented by Dr. Nicola Millard, Customer Experience Futurologist at BT Global Services. Full disclosure: I've been working with BT Global Services for many...
Customer service and contact center
The contact center and customer service department as key value creators in a changing economy. The role of contact centers (for service) and customer service departments is shifting towards the center of the organization and value creation. Customer engagement, the customer experience, frictionless interactions and case handling, customer service quality...
The impact of an omnichannl customer experience program - Aberdeen Group report - PDF
According to a report by Aberdeen Group, companies with omni-channel customer care strategies have 91% better year-over-year (YOY) customer retention rates than others. An omni-channel customer experience management approach doesn't only result in higher retention rates. There is also a better YOY percent change in essential customer and business...