Brand advocates are among the most powerful sources of social recommendations, word-of-mouth and sales in this social era. However, businesses ignore or forget many possibilities to enhance brand advocacy tapping into the power of specific groups, including loyal customers.

27.5% of marketers even admit they have not mobilized brand loyalists and loyal customers to become active advocates. Furthermore, there is an untapped brand advocacy potential regarding the ‘regular Joe‘ and even the own workforce.

As the infographic below by NBRII shows, 20% of businesses don’t even have a strategy for customer loyalty (let alone, brand advocacy). The solutions are simply and the reasons to improve customer loyalty are diverse. However, it requires work and planning.

Brand advocates are important and so are loyal customers. As it is always the case with customer-centric marketing success it’s about understanding what the others (customers, potential influencers, etc.) want you to know and what’s in it for them.

Check out the infographic and share your thoughts on moving from customer loyalty to brand advocacy.

Customer loyalty infographic
Customer loyalty infographic