Content marketing ranks high on the agenda of most marketers. Buyers increasingly seek content to inform themselves and prepare their buying journey as surveys keep showing. Succesful content needs to be optimized for your business goals and the goals of your audiences. It’s the purpose of content marketing.
Although there is a clear evolution towards more ‘visual’ forms of content, eBooks, blog posts and other written content marketing formats remain important too. The fact that search engines are still crucial sources of traffic plays a big role here. Blog post headlines are good ways to attract attention, for instance. While formats, quality of the content and relevance matter, context is at least as important. Content marketing success is not just about the content itself as you can read in our “Content marketing success and failure: determining factors” overview.
But of course the quality of the content matters a lot too! InboundWriter, a platform we used before to optimize our content, has released a new content marketing infographic.
For InboundWriter, the 3 factors for successful content, regardless of the goal are:
- Context.
- Relevancy.
- Readability.
Three key elements indeed. And you can of course add more, depending on the…context (goal, format, user context, etc.).
Some other content marketing takeaways:
The infographic also indicates content marketing – and optimized content – is not just about search anymore: the integration of search, content marketing, social and other tactics and channels is a fact and succesful content takes all channels consumers (and B2B buyers) use, as well as their behavior and preferences, into account, something we wrote about several times before, for instance in our customer-centric content marketing manifesto.
- The consumption of content is also increasingly happening on mobile platforms. This requires new formats, taking into account mobile user experiences.
- 27 million pieces of online content are shared daily. In other words: it’s important to stand out and optimize your content (marketing). Relevancy!
Discover the evolving role of content marketing and what makes successful content below.
Want more? Here is a guide to content marketing success in 7 steps.