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Li-Fi market concept
Although it's still relatively early days and far from everyone agrees on its future, the attention for LiFi (also Li-Fi, short for Light Fidelity) is increasing. As reported previously in November 2017 the IEEE created a new study group to drive worldwide standardization work on light communication standards to...
Sustainability concept
Can technologies - and the will to leverage them - lead to a more sustainable future and, if so, how? It's one of the questions addressed in a report by Wipro Digital and and Forum for the Future. A broader look at sustainability and technology, spiced with some takeaways...
Digital twin simulation technology concept
Digital twin technology goes back since quite some time. As mentioned in a previous article on digital twins, the concept of having virtual or digital representations for physical products or assets as we know it now was born at the beginning of this millennium. If you take into account what...