Data in action

Digital transformation is more than a ‘phenomenon’ and certainly more than a technological one. According to IDC we are even about to enter a genuine digital transformation economy, aka ‘DX economy’. The obvious question: what would – or will – such an economy look like and what are its key...
Data-driven marketing, in theory, is about better using the flood of customer-related data to integrate and optimize marketing efforts in the age of an empowered consumer and Big Data. What matters most is the optimization of the customer experience, relevance and (perceived) customer value as a driver of business value....
Four Vs of big data
One of the themes of CeBIT 2014 was big data. In fact, it's one of the core themes of most events I've been attending the last months. Big data is everywhere: marketing, analytics, information management, healthcare, the list goes on. And despite discussions and debates in the area of...