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In 2018, Salesforce presented its CDP (customer data platform), Customer 360. At the occasion of Dreamforce 2019, the CRM company launched Customer 360 Truth, a set of services and capabilities, enabling customers to build that famous single source of truth everyone is looking for with customer data platforms. Customer 360...
Bizheroes on customer-centricity
Is there a difference between customer-centricity and customer focus? Yes, there is. But then again, is there really? It depends as always. To discover why it depends and most of all what matters, along with a more in-depth look at what it means to be customer-centric, join the #bizheroes...
Customer life cycle and CLV
The customer life cyle and models to calculate the customer lifetime value (CLV). The customer life cycle comes from the practice of CRM where it's traditionally used to map the different stages a customer goes through from considering a product, service or solution to the actual buy and, at least...